Submission Guidelines 

In addition to photography, FUSE also publishes essays, fiction, interviews, and poetry.

FUSE is interested in any topic that is provocative, humorous, or culturally relevant. We are open to articles with an adult theme so long as they are tastefully written and in-line with the visual content of the magazine. There’s no minimum length, however we rarely run anything longer than seven thousand words.

At this time, we welcome both guest authors and regular columnists.

If you would like to submit a one-off article, please submit it as a Word Doc to Submit@FuseMagazineOnline.com with the subject: Author Submission. We will let you know within five days if it has been approved, or if it needs any changes.

If you are interested in becoming a contributing monthly writer, please email Submit@FuseMagazineOnline.com with the topic or idea you’d like your column to focus on.

With all submissions, please also include title preference, a brief author bio/artist statement/backstory, and any relevant links.Every article that’s published, as well as an author profile with links to your website and social media pages.

We only accept previously unpublished work. Submissions are selected based on quality, content, relevance and print space. By submitting, you give full consent for FUSE Magazine to publish your work on the magazine, website and/or social media. Successful submissions will be notified via email, and we reserve the right to accept or deny any submissions we receive. 

Thank you for your interest in FUSE Magazine. We look forward to seeing your work.